Wolfgang Lüchtrath

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Senior Consultant

Persuasive argumentation, non-verbal communication, credible leadership, personal online impact, charm and wit – Wolfgang Lüchtrath helps people express themselves for maximum effectiveness. As an experienced actor and coach, he provides individualized, pragmatic support for clients who want to present themselves with more confidence, competence and authenticity. His clients are business owners and directors, managers and professional salesmen, as well as start-up entrepreneurs. Wolfgang Lüchtrath is a sought-after expert when it comes to practicing assertiveness in VUCA situations (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity), and also for topics such as creativity and leadership, charismatic leadership, and online leadership.

Wolfgang Lüchtrath studied German, theater science and philosophy, and is a trained actor. He has performed in many stage and screen productions, and has also developed scripts and television formats. As a creative producer with more than 20 years of experience, he is considered one of Germany’s best producers of business theater productions.